EQTC 2024

18 to 20 Novem­ber 2024:

Euro­pean Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies Con­fe­rence (EQTC 2024) in Lis­bon –

The Euro­pean Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies Con­fe­rence (EQTC) is the show­ca­se and com­mu­ni­ty gathe­ring of the Quan­tum Flag­ship, Europe’s ground­brea­king inno­va­ti­on initia­ti­ve, and will bring tog­e­ther lea­ding minds from sci­ence, indus­try, and poli­cy for an insightful and exci­ting pro­gram­me. The event will be orga­nis­ed and hos­ted by the Por­tu­gue­se Quan­tum Insti­tu­te (PQI) and will take place in Lis­bon from 18 to 20 Novem­ber 2024. Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on.

Event loca­ti­on:
R. Arco do Cego 50
1000-300 Lis­sa­bon

Source refe­rence: https://qt.eu/news/2024/2024–02-14_save-the-date-eqtc-2024