
Announce­ment for the Fun­ding of Pro­jects on the Sub­ject “Expe­ri­men­tal Pro­duc­tion Capa­bi­li­ties for Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies in Euro­pe”:

Qu-Pilot is a Hori­zon Euro­pe pro­ject that deve­lo­ps and pro­vi­des access to pilot pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties for quan­tum tech­no­lo­gies in Euro­pe. Through the Open Call, Qu-Pilot offers access to fabri­ca­ti­on capa­bi­li­ties to EU-based quan­tum tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­nies wit­hout the need for signi­fi­cant ear­ly-stage infra­struc­tu­re invest­ments. The offe­red tech­no­lo­gies & ser­vices cover super­con­duc­ting, pho­to­nics, semi­con­duc­ting and dia­mond plat­forms enab­ling tech­no­lo­gies for quan­tum com­pu­ting, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, and sens­ing.  In exch­an­ge of recei­ving ser­vices, the sel­ec­ted use case com­pa­nies will be reques­ted to pro­vi­de feed­back on ser­vice qua­li­ty and recom­men­da­ti­ons for ser­vice impro­ve­ments and bet­ter ali­gnment. 
The Call is open to all EU com­pa­nies in search of expe­ri­men­tal pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties incor­po­ra­ting cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gies in quan­tum com­pu­ting, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, and sens­ing. Your orga­ni­sa­ti­on must be estab­lished in one of the mem­ber sta­tes of the Euro­pean Uni­on, Ice­land, Nor­way or Isra­el, with majo­ri­ty owner­ship and con­trol the­r­ein. Suc­cessful com­pa­nies will beco­me par­ties to the Qu-Pilot. Further infor­ma­ti­on on the fun­ding call can be found here.

Dead­line for sub­mis­si­ons
30 Sep­tem­ber 2024

Source refe­rence: 